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Emphyton Fruit Trade

Emphyton Fruits

Since 2008, Emphyton has expanded in the fruit market with clear vision and strategy to create its footstep in fruit sector.
In 2016, Emphyton completed the investment by establishing a fruit grading maschine, extending as well its cooling and fruit storage facilities.
Products are identified with high quality and tasty standards-which Emphyton set. They are selected for their freshness and aroma and are marketed according to all modern packaging and quality requirements.

Availability Table

Products January February March April May June July August September October November December
Αpple Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plums - - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Peaches - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - - -
Nectarine - - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - -


Emphyton's experienced and specialized staff is able to meet any need.

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